

 Vienna – Munich – Switzerland – France (Bordeaux) – Spain (Donostia San Sebastian) – Portugal (Lisbon) – Canarian Islands or Cuba directly (depending on the sailboat offer, I hopefully will get!) – Havanna -> Miami – South Coast of North America to the Woodlands in Texas (IRONMAN Texas, trying to qualify for the WC on Hawaii) – San Diego – Hawaii 🙂

Already AchiEved:

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planned for the NEXT days:

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Here, I will let you know whom I´ll meet next on my journey

 11.09.2019  /  Visit at “Gut Aiderbichl – Maria Schmolln”  / Austria

 My first planned appointment will be at “Gut Aiderbichl – Maria Schmolln“, a small farm in the village of Perneck, where abandoned dogs, cats, goats and birds since 2006 may spend their evening of life in an animal-friendly home.

“Even if it were possible to protect the animals from us, we would have achieved nothing, only when we succeed in not having to protect the animals, we are at the target. Then we have changed something: US!” (Michael Aufhauser, founder of Gut Aiderbichl)

 14.09.2019  /  Speech and Workshop – Women´s Hub Munich / Germany

The WOMEN’S HUB is a platform that lets women grow in the strong backing of the group – both professionally and personally. The goal is Women’s Empowerment through potential development in the community.

Leave your comfort zone, go out with your idea to the public, share your way, your story, your vision with others and grow with it.

I just though: “Here, I am right. I need to have this right in the beginning of my journey”

 20.09.2019  /  Global Climate Strike / Germany

To date, young people have led the climate strikes around the world. Now they need adults to join them too. On September 20, 2019, Fridays for Future, the Youth Climate Strike movements, all of their international friends and allies call for a global general strike. This is the kick-off of for a global climate strike week from 20th to 27th of September.

Join them  – Our house is on fire – let’s do something about it. We demand climate justice for all. I will join them at “Königsplatz” in Munich – maybe we´ll see us there!?

And maybe you join me a little bit by bike, the day after and during that global climate strike week, to demonstrate together our demand for climate justice.


 22.09.2019  /  GOat Sanctury Farm Bad Grönenbach  / Germany

Evelin Treichel runs a small sanctuary farm for goats in Bad Grönenbach in Bavaria.

How this came about, why she decided to put all her energy in it, where she get´s support from and what her wishes are for the future, she will tell us this Sunday.

 22.09.2019  /  V-Partei³ / Germany

Thanks to Derya Laug, I discovered the “Zickenfarm”. Derya is on Instagram with her account “_bewussterleben_” and is promoting a conscious and sustainable lifestyle. One of her posts was about Evelin’s Gnadenhof for goats. You can imagine the rest of the story yourself 😉

As it turned out, Derya is not only active on Instagram and sanctuary farms but is also actively involved with the young V-Party³ – the party for change, vegetarians and vegans. She is 1st chairwoman of the Federal Arbitration Court of the 2nd Chamber, responsible for the Instagram account of the party and has recently be announced as press officer Middle Franconia.

On this Sunday she will tell us more about the V-Party³ and its program, how they relate to the goat farm and why she decided to go vegan.


 26.09.2019  /  Swissveg / Switzerland

Swissveg is the largest advocacy group of vegetarian and vegan people in Switzerland. Since 1993, the politically and denominationally independent organization has campaigned for positive public relations efforts to permanently reduce meat consumption and to make a plant-based, responsible way of life accessible and accessible to all people as an attractive and healthy alternative. Swissveg distinguishes itself through well-founded information and diverse events. For experts and consumers alike, the organization has established itself as the leading point of contact for all aspects of vegetarian and vegan life.


 28.09.2019  /  V-TOM / Switzerland

Close to Zurich I will meet Thomas Sigrist. Tom is active on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram as V-Tom and V-Form, but also gives speeches & seminars. His topics include health, veganism, fitness, mindset & nutrition. Tom is convinced that without information no one is ready to transform himself. And that without information we cannot expect to reform a system. His information should help reconcile our innermost values in bring them inline with our daily decisions and lifestyle. The goal is to transform and reform people and systems. Before he turned vegan, Tom worked in a butchery and a slaughterhouse, as well as manager and trainer in the financial business. He was 10 years in the Swiss Karate national team and anyhow very active in different sports. Today he mainly focuses on training with weights.Why he went vegan, how he convinced his wife and two boys and what “V-Form” stands for and what their latest “business baby” is and why, he will tell me on that Saturday.


 28.11.2019  /  Animal Save Movement / Sevilla, Spain

“When the suffering of another creature causes you to feel pain, do not submit to the initial desire to flee from the suffering one, but on the contrary, come closer, as close as you can to him who suffers, and try to help him.” – Leo Tolstoy

That is the leading idea of Animal Save Movement.  Their mission is to hold vigils at every slaughterhouse and to bear witness to every exploited animal. They spread the footage about these events to raise awareness and help people making the connection and to see that the piece of flesh on their plate was an individual that had to go through tremendous suffer and pain, just because of peoples demand for animal products.

The organization is founded in US, but has world wide chapters. Beside Animal Save the Save Movement Organization also focuses on climate topics (Climate Save Movement) and health issues (Health Save Movement), promoting a plant based died for the good of all three parts.

Georgia Animal Rights and Protection (GARP) focuses on educating the public about the abuse and cruelty that is inherent in the use of animals for food, entertainment, research and fashion.

GARP’s efforts focus on animal used for entertainment, factory farming, hunting, fur, vivisection and Georgia animal cruelty laws. Setting up information tables at events, leafleting, demonstrating, lobbying for stronger anti-cruelty legislation, and speaking to the public through the media are some of the tools GARP utilizes in order to educate the public.

As Chattanooga sees itself as “one of the most progressive and charitable cities in the South”. And as Veganism is on the rise for the right reasons, the city established this site for their own citizens to expand their palate or their compassion, but also for the vegan traveler visiting the city, to provide comprehensive resource of all the things they can enjoy during their stay.

ChattaVegan is a nonprofit that creates unforgettable events, develops community service programs, and advocates for accessible vegan options in the Chattanooga area. 

“Veganism is not about being perfect. It’s about trying to do the least amount of harm and the most amount of good.”

 xx.04.2020  /  Rowdy Girl Sanctuary / TX, USA

I saw Renee King´s story on YouTube in the film “Vegan: Everyday Stories”. Renee went vegan 2014. She founded a Sanctuary, initiated an online fundraiser that raised enough money to buy her husband’s cattle herd and donated them to her new non profit organization. They are still married and her husband changed from a cattle farmer to a vegan sanctuary farmer 😉

I am happy to meet them right after my IRONMAN Texas! 🙂