Travel Budget: 20.000 EUR.
Three simple rules:

1)  Money can only be spent on Necessities*

2) For non-necessities**, I must earn Run & Swim Points to unlock money from my travel budget

3) I accept Support (e.g. a couch, food, transportation, warm clothes, repairs…), but preferably from your friends or newly met people, so that the community can grow.


* Def. “Necessity”: minimum I need to survive, stay healthy, continue my journey and prepare for the IRONMAN

** Def. “Non-Necessity”: option above the necessity (e.g. restaurant instead of supermarket; hotel if camping is possible or a cheaper options are  available or if a hotel is not really essentially required to keep my good mood and my health protected 😉 ) and everything not needed to survive, stay healthy, continue my journey and prepare for the IRONMAN

The first two rules should raise awareness about our consumption. What is it, that we really need?

The more money I can save by well reflected expenses and due to your support, the more we can donate together at the end!

You are not on my way and do not know anyone on my way but also want to be part of Ride4Respect?

-> feel free to donate!

We will decide at the end of this journey, to which of introduced projects / organizations the saved / collected money will go to.

Nadja tent