“Gut Aiderbichl – Maria Schmolln“, a small farm in the village of Perneck, where abandoned dogs, cats, goats and birds since 2006 may spend their evening of life in an animal-friendly home.
“Even if it were possible to protect the animals from us, we would have achieved nothing, only when we succeed in not having to protect the animals, we are at the target. Then we have changed something: US!” (Michael Aufhauser, founder of Gut Aiderbichl)
Evelin Treichel runs a small sanctuary farm – the “Zickenfarm” – for goats and sheep, but also other animals, in Bad Grönenbach in Bavaria/Germany.
Have a look at the video to see how my stay at the “Zickenfarm” was, to learn more about goats and sheep and how you could support Evi and her animals already right now!